
PHYCOTAMIN is ‘phycocyanin’ + ‘vitamin’.
Phycocyanin is a powerful water-soluble antioxidant. It strengthens the immune system, has antiviral effects, inhibits cancer cells, and helps protect brain nerves.
(This content is limited to raw material characteristics, not products)
Our product is the only vitamin product that contains PHYCOCYANIN, a key ingredient of spirulina, designated by the World Health Organization(WHO) as the future food for mankind.

This products contains 11 kinds of vitamins and zinc for 100% of the
Recommended daily intake for adults.
*Vitamin B complex(7) : Vitamin B1,B2, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, Biotin, folic acid
*Multi Vitamin (4) : Vitamin A,C,D,E
*Mineral(1) : Zinc
*Contains 99% purity Phycocyanin.
Phycotamin is very convenient to drink one cup a day for wellness

Take care of your Wellness with PHYCOTAMIN!
Phycocyanin global leader H&B brand ‘Sound of water’
Phycocyanin is a specialized raw material that has excellent effects on immunity, anticancer, and anti-allergy around the world. Sound of water is H&B brand that plans the best efficient and effective health food and health habits through phycocyanin based on the only technology in Korea.
by. Kosmospeople

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Phycocyanin global leader H&B brand ‘Sound of water’
Phycocyanin is a specialized raw material that has excellent effects on immunity, anticancer, and anti-allergy around the world. Sound of water is H&B brand that plans the best efficient and effective health food and health habits through phycocyanin based on the only technology in Korea.
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